LinkedIn Thought Leadership

What is Thought Leadership?

Thought leadership is essentially producing the best resource out there for your chosen niche or field of expertise. It is written or compiled by a professional in their field who imparts nuggets of wisdom to their audience.

Typically Successful Thought Leadership Platforms

What’s All the Hype?

According to the 2020 Edelman-LinkedIn Thought Leadership Study, “88% of decision-makers stated that thought leadership was effective in enhancing their perception of an organization, and 48% of decision-makers said that thought leadership could influence their purchasing decisions.”

The greatest power behind thought leadership is its accessibility in the modern age. The internet is more democratically spread than ever. More people from around the world are watching and taking in information on social media. Integrating thought leadership onto these platforms is how we get our foot in the door.

It is a great way to stand up to massive competitors through the value that your resource and piece of thought leadership can provide for others. You establish yourself as an authoritative and legitimate source for information your audience wants to hear. And consumers have proven to be comfortable working with niche brands that are well presented as thought leaders as opposed to household names.

Better than nothing right?

Is Luden a Thought Leader?

We very much try to be. Other words used to describe a thought leader are ‘authority’, ‘spearhead’, and ‘groundbreaker’. These are all characteristics that we emulate throughout our own brand.

Our blog posts, LinkedIn pages and even our website itself aim to emulate this authoritative air and informative stance shown by a leader of thought. And with our tried and tested strategy towards thought leadership, it is what we would like to describe you as one day.

Online visibility
Digital presence
Scalable online growth

Our blog posts, LinkedIn pages and even our website itself aim to emulate this authoritative air and informative stance shown by a leader of thought. And with our tried and tested strategy towards thought leadership, it is what we would like to describe you as one day.

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Thought Leadership


What Is the Difference Between a White Paper and Thought Leadership Content?

In simple terms, white papers are downloadable pieces of content that are research-oriented with the goal to provide solutions to a problem.

Thought leadership is content that builds authority, establishes a consistent brand voice, and shows expertise. It is highly adaptable to your business goals and can be seen as a usable resource for others in your business and industry.

What Are Thought Leadership Examples?

Thought leaders could be CEOs, consultants, authors, coaches, or businesses. Some examples of thought leadership content are articles, newsletters, podcasts, blogs, vlogs, and social media.

Common examples of thought leadership are categorized as the storyteller, the educator, the actionable executive, the motivator, and the lobbyist. Each of these has its own approach to how the thought leadership content is formulated, but each approach maintains the core fundamentals of being authentic, structured, and educational. They strive to experiment with engagement and strategy.

Who First Coined the Term Thought Leader?

The term Thought Leader was first coined in 1994 by economist & business guru, Joel Kurtzman. He stated:

“A thought leader is recognized by peers, customers and industry experts as someone who deeply understands the business they are in, the needs of their customers and the broader marketplace in which they operate. They have distinctively original ideas, unique points of view and new insights.”

Why Are Consumers So Drawn Towards Thought Leaders?

Consumers are attracted to thought leaders because they are experts in their fields. By being authentic, knowledgeable, and transparent, and providing valuable information and skills,  thought leaders are able to better resonate and connect with consumers.

Ultimately, thought leaders are just far more trustworthy than your ‘Average Joe’ business.